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Dear Liz , My page is dedicated to you <3 Sam|21|taken♥ Msn :
Hey Guys, my names Samantha. Im 21. Taken ♥ and living the life as an athlete and an honor college student. Leave a message :D
So Mike , it's about time I get off my lazy ass and right this (: you should be proud (: Well Of course you know I love you its kinda obvious(: Well it should be. Even though we've had rough time's we seemt o get through them still fighting for one another. Your totally a freak and your know it. Yet alone your handsome, you have a killer personality, and amazing eyes, and an amazing smile. Sometimes for the most part id have to say I worry about you but I also know that your you and know one can change that regardless of whats happening. I love you and the world couldnt even offer how much I wish I could give to you and how much I would sacrafice for you(: I love you Mike and I hope you and I last forever ♥Plus your a total freak in and out of bed ;] haha
The people i've been through a lot with♥
Mike, Tony, Justin, Kevin, Liz, Jerry, Frankie, Shelby, Ricardo, Pinky, Izzie, Ashley, Jordan, Alex, &Amanda
Liz Bakers
Dear Samantha Bakers , It's your bestfriend Liz writing this iloveyoulikesooomuch SO HOMO ON THAT haha just kidding. Wow like where do i start with this girl well for one she is strikingly gorgeous i mean really she is the prettiest girl i've seen. Her personality just helps so much. She is always there for me she means the fucking world. She is over the top funny we can seriously LOL for hurs abut random shit such as your bad haircut :) but you love it. Samantha is crazzzy i love her advice without it i'd be lost i really would she can make me smile and so much more. She is like one of my realest friends idc how far she is a friend is a friend i tell her everything anyways. this girl be like woah haha sounds like i am in love with her hahaha that's a good thing tho cause she is my mother fucking bestie! and all you dumb girls think you can pull us apart try? lol i refuse to tal shit about sam i promise i never will she is the bomb diggity. Haha okay let me stop....before this gets too long :P i love you Samantha Waters your like the bestest ahah i mean it. Were the fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwhich the originals. Now go study or somethninggg! ♥
Ricardo :]
This here is the best girl I have ever met! If you don't know Sammi then you're missing out big time! She's the most wonderful person and she is very gorgeous as you can see ;]. lol I love her very much :] so you watch yourself because you're not hurting this girl. She's my little cripple so she's had enough hurting already. lol Our conversations are the weirdest but the funniest :]. We have talked countless hours and never gotten bored, have had our up's and down's but we've got through them :]. I like cheering her up It's the cutest thing ;]. I like showing her my fat :P lol I've written her a poem and a story about her, yeah, you should be jealous by now hehe :P. She has the cutest smile ;]. I trust her with my life! Nobody can tear us apart It's practically impossible we're like literally stuck together like conjoined twins you know! lol No but really this girl is a big part of me and I love her very much. :] I'm glad I met her I don't know what I would do without her. I'll never forget her, I'll never regret meeting her, She'll always be a part of me, I'll always reserve a spot for her in my heart. She's an angel that came from heaven to lighten the sorrow ways of my heart it's very overwhelming. We've grown stronger as time passes and keep getting stronger. It's sad that she lives miles away because I'd have her by my side all the time if I was close to her. You won't regret meeting her I guarantee you that. :]

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Avatar since: 2008-02-02
United States
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"spring break :]"

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Relationship Status: Single
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